Post-race evaluations: Belgian GP

Evals Spa GP top 6

evals Spa GP rest

Evals Spa GP bott 4

Note:  Zuber and Razia (Coloni) did not participate in the Spa weekend due to the impounding of their cars.  Perera was (unjustly) excluded due to the 107% rule.

13 Responses to Post-race evaluations: Belgian GP

  1. Diogo Oliveira says:

    In Men track, only Men can win, and Parente demonstrated that he’s really one of the best drivers here in GP2.

    Next year, Parente has to go to Formula 1.

  2. Fletcher says:

    Parente was lucky Perez had a hydralic failure and prevented him from starting otherwise it would have been Perez at the top step of the podium. Fourth from last and setting fastest lap on second race was stunning. Monza his favorite track should see him win. And yes Parente has to go to F1 or he will lose his momentum to reach F1. Perez will definitely be in F1 no doubt!

  3. fletcher says:

    Parente told me himself after the race and I quote ” I was so so lucky Sergio didn’t start the race otherwise he would have won it.”

  4. Diogo Oliveira says:

    Fletcher… I don’t think that’s true. And the person that knows that with 100% chance is Diogo Guilherme. He’s one of the guy’s responsable for Alvaro’s official site.

  5. fletcher says:

    What I said was meant as a joke!

  6. gp2 insider says:

    Apart from Hulkenberg (who has perfectly evolved in GP2), the 3 strongest drivers at this point are Sergio Pérez, Alvaro Parente and Davide Rigon. Pity for Davide that he has such a financially weak and unstable team under him. Were he in most any other team he would be challenging for podiums.

    In Monza, watch out again for Sergio and Alvaro – but don’t rule out Pastor… a fast guy in most any long circuit.

  7. Francois says:

    Coloni car probably not liberated before december ! !

    Durango visited by financial police ! ! ! venezia page 11

    Engine of Meritus ? ? ?

  8. Go_For_Pole says:

    Nel mirino della Procura di Venezia sulla base delle verifiche messe a punto dalla Guardia di Finanza, il settore delle sponsorizzazioni. È questo uno dei fronti aggrediti nell’ambito della lotta all’evasione e all’elusione fiscale, nonché del trasferimento illecito di capitali all’estero.
    Illustre una delle prime “vittime”, visto che si tratta di una grossa società che opera nel circuito internazionale delle gare automobilistiche e che ha sede a Mellaredo di Pianiga, la Durango Racing, ben conosciuta agli appassionati e che appena lo scorso aprile, a Padova, ha festeggiato i 25 anni di attività, arrivando a essere una delle tredici squadre che danno vita alla Gp2 Series, ovvero i campionati mondiali che rappresentano per i piloti la porta d’accesso principale alla Formula 1.
    Ai militari al comando del capitano Fabrizio Musci, responsabile della Compagnia di Mirano, c’è voluto oltre un anno di indagini per ricostruire il puzzle di aziende che ruotano attorno alla Durango, all’interno di un complesso meccanismo di scatole cinesi, in cui i nomi e le ragioni delle imprese collegate cambiano di continuo, mentre a rimanere inalterata è la denominazione appunto della scuderia.
    Secondo quanto accertato dai finanzieri, sarebbe proprio questo tourbillon di ditte – con le più svariate ragioni sociali, motori da corsa, ricambi, parti meccaniche di precisione, pneumatici – a consentire un dispositivo piuttosto oliato in grado di garantire l’emissione di fatture false, quasi sempre di importi piuttosto ingenti, allo scopo di scaricare costi e abbassare quindi l’imponibile tassabile.
    Dai riscontri e dalle ispezioni sarebbe emerso un giro vorticoso di contabilità fasulla dell’ordine di decine e decine di milioni di euro.
    Nel dettaglio alla Durango Racing, o meglio alla realtà satellite, vengono contestati ricavi non dichiarati per oltre 12 milioni di euro, costi scaricati con fatture false pari a 11 milioni, Iva dovuta non versata per circa 3 milioni e sottrazione alla base imponibile Irap per oltre 16 milioni di euro. Due le persone denunciate ai sensi degli articoli 2 e 5 del Decreto legislativo 74/2000, ovvero dichiarazione fraudolenta mediante uso di fatture o altri documenti per operazioni inesistenti e omessa dichiarazione.
    Al conto finale si è arrivati attraverso numerosi controlli incrociati nei confronti di aziende operanti in Veneto, Friuli, Lombardia, Abruzzo e Lazio, accertamenti bancari anche oltreconfine, perquisizioni locali e domiciliari.
    A mettere sulla pista giusta le Fiamme gialle la presenza, giudicata meritevole di approfondimento, di quelli che vengono definiti “indici di pericolosità fiscale”, fra cui: un volume d’affari elevato di contro a redditi annui dichiarati pressoché nulli, presenza di un constante e inspiegabile credito Iva utilizzato in compensazione, e, appunto, successione temporale di aziende aventi oggetto sociale similare presso lo stesso luogo di svolgimento dell’attività e facenti capo alle stesse persone.
    Spetta ora all’Agenzia delle Entrate, cui è già stato trasmesso l’intero fascicolo, calcolare anche l’importo delle sanzioni previste. Il caso Durango sarebbe tutt’altro che isolato, di qui la scelta di impegnare gli investigatori in grigioverde sulla pista di sponsor e reclame non solo su quattro ma anche su due ruote, intese sia come motociclette che biciclette.

  9. Fletcher says:

    I think Petrov deserves a higher rating on that outside pass at Eau Rouge alone. Those balls deserve better than a 2.

    I think it’s time to do a review of teams financial health now that we are nearing the finish of the season

  10. Francois says:

    Team financial health.

    That is a good question and let perfectly see what a non fair championship it is ! ! !

    Why ? because in principe all teams must have the same treatment. First with the engine ! ! Stupid how could you imagine when it is in this champioship 7 ( sorry now 6 ) renault or ex-renault driver that they have the same engine than the other one ? ? Stupid to imagine this.

    BUT THE FINANCIAL TREATMENT ! ! ! In a fair championship ( don’t forget it is nonotype so everybody on the same condition ) normaly all teams have to pay at the same momment. With somes team receiving letter from GP2 who consider them like dogs and write ” if you don’t pay in 5 days we will keep your cars ” and other team who can have debt of a half million euros ! ! !

    That’s not normal there are the ” bad teams ” ( the teams who doesn’t says ” AMEN ” to all what Bruno Michel wants ) theses have to pay imediatly.

    And there are ” the good teams” ( the teams who says AMEN and what a beautifull championship, nice mervellous ) theses teams can have a half million debt.

    More there are ” the friend teams ” like Ocean ( helped by renault and having one driver always helped by renault ( Parente ) and one driver helped by Bernie who is one of the organiser of the championship and the partner of Briatore ( Chandock ). These teams can have debt and have to win, of course.

    So how it is possible that DPR can have 450 000 euros debt decmber 2007 in front of GP2, and now they have to pay cash and have 0 euros debt !

    How is it possible that BCN has 500 000 euros debt in front of GP2 end of 2008 ? ?

    How is it possible that Durango have no buy near any spare peaces during this year because no money to arrive at the crash in Spa and be oblige to buy e new steering ?

    Coloni seams to have his cars disblocked yesterday ( beautifull image for GP2 )

    So Durango have been visited by financial police and we can think they will not be at the start of Monza ( in any case they don’t have the cash to buy a new car after the crash ) maybe they will not be at the start of the Asian;

    Ok but the fine ? ? ? If Coloni don’t do the race in spa and Durango in monza it is previous a fine or one more time not the same rules for everybody ( the frends teams and the other ? ? ?

    Trident and Super Nova seems to be in financial trouble.

    In all the paddock now there are less than 6 drivers able to pay the normal price for a season. How can works the teams like this ?

    Slowly everybody understand that it is a nonfair champioship who serve only to Briatore and the brother Michel to win money.

    About GP3 I’m very curious to now who’s GP2 team have given they agreement to PAY the new cars because if there are a lot I don’t understand why taking Leon Price in GP3 when we know that his father does bankrupcy with his composite company and near to clash with his GP2 team ?
    That’s only mean there not enough GP2 team or good World Series teams ready to come in GP3 ! !

    Only 10 teams with 3 cars and be oblige to accept somebody who begin all from zero in place of GP2 teams or World Series teams or Euros Series F3 teams ? ? ?

    More about what I know no one GP2 team are ready to go in GP2 Asia for the 2010-2011 season.

    One more information but not sure it seems that on the RAI tv they have said that for 2011 GP2 will not be anymore with formula one ? ?
    If it is true it will be the death of GP2.

  11. Go_For_Pole says:

    Other than the way organizers handle financial matters, the news about Durango are quite shocking. I have been told early this year by somebody who knows better that financial police in Italy was to get tough with teams and oh boy was he right. But the silence in the media about the is quite amusing… Wonder how things will get covered up for Monza.

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